Monday, September 15, 2008

Yo Hooooo Blow The Man Down!

Bonefire wasn't really a bonefre Friday, on account of rain, on we hung out in the basement. It was...intresting to say the least. I'm gonna try to be should I say about myself. Getting kinda slutty I guess. Either that or you can just say I'm proud.


Devvy chan came home with me. We watched part of Jamingi downstairs with my dad then went up to bed. Dad and JJ tool Devvy Chan to Penelope's and she gots a pancake. I always get that and man, mmmmmmm, they are good. =p

Rest of the day we spent on the computer, updating our IPods and stuff like that. Then we went over to my Grammy's for dinner. Came back, company was over for the big OSU game, so Devvy Chan and I played guitar hero and stuff like that. Went to bed, and then Sunday I made my dad drive me to the range to hit balls. Before we got home Dad had to go to Marcs and while I was there I bought some men's deodorant (because seriously, woman's sucks fucking ass and doesn't do shit) and some more ankle socks.

Rest of the day we hung out indoors as it got worse and worse outside. Mom's head started to really pound so she didn't make dinner, which is okay. Devvy Chan and I make ourselves some food and then we tried to drive her home.

Well the power kept going out (hello, electric garage door) and it wasn't exactly good to be driving out there. But Devvy Chan HAD to get home because her mom said she HAD to do her homework....

So, we tried SIX different ways to get her home. There were power lines exploding all around it! It was epic. Once we made it to her street, there was a cop blocking the road. There were live wires down on the road and they weren't letting anybody through no matter what. So, she had to stay with us! Yayz!

Oh, and get this. When we were driving up one of the streets and trying to find a way BACK to my house, my dad was like "Nothing has happened on this street yet..." and as soon as he said that, a tree fell into the road!


When we got home the power was out, so we had to manually get the garage door up. Then, we played Uno in the dark (victory was miiine, I won both games =p). A tree in my neighbors yard fell down (and I also heard up by his cottage his boat and dock got blown away, he found his boat though...), and it was basically all Twilight Zone outside.

Took a shower in the dark, then went to bed. Then woke up. Then fell back to sleep. Then woke up and laid down with the dog to calm her down. Then stayed up some more and fell asleep and once I was finally starting to actually get some rest, the alarm clock rang on my celly.


Got ready in the dark with Devvy Chan. Which leads me to tell you that flashlights only do so much good, and learned that the socks I got at Marcs were reeeeeally soft. =D

Devvy Chan road my bus, then we parted to go to our lockers and school began. It was boring most of the time. History is gonna be interesting tomorrow though. Debate on whether or not you think the government helped with 9/11 or not.

I dunno where I stand. I think I'll just sit and watch. =)

Practice today was a mini celebration I think. Why? HE FINALLY REALISES WE'RE NOT A 2 MAN (or should I say woman) TEAM!!

Like, instead of working with the two 'stars' of the team, he actually attempted to help me and the other girls.

He's learning!!


Have a headache and really could care less if I eat dinner right now. I just want to finish my homework and watch Death Note.



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