Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sluts, Whores, and Movies

Today I woke up and got ready to go boating only to find that it was too cold and that JJ and Dad had decided to go to downtown and feed the police horses. So I went on the computer today. Ariel kept sending me e-mails about how excited she is to go to home coming with Josh and yadda yadda. Which brings me to Part A of the title (Sluts, Whores).

Slut: A person who sleeps around
Whore: A person who makes $money$ sleeping around

Now, Ariel has gone out with three guys so far: John, Roy, and now Josh. As soon as she dumped John she told me she liked some other guy in our grade. As soon as Roy dumped her she told me she liked Josh. Now, when Josh dumps her of vise-versa do you think she will:

A. Get really really sad and not date another guy ever
B. Not care and move on to another guy two seconds after the break up
C. Attack me in the hall's and by e-mail saying she likes another guy

If you choose B or C you win!

Now, as an annoyed teenage, I would simply say Ariel is a relationship slut.

As an adult, I would say she's simply dating a bunch of guys to feel like she's actually liked.

Sound reasonable?

(By the way Josh asked her out via note).

Anyways, I got most of my homework done and checked my grades today. I have all A's except in Spanish. I have a D, yay! See, I'm not a failure yet. After doing some homework I messed around with the new movie making software I downloaded off the web and I started thinking.

So, basically all of you guys have some type of future planned out for you. You have, some type of career in your heads you wanna work for in high school. Me, on the other hand, has been sticking with my kindergarten answer, teacher. Which, I can't believe my mom believes I actually want that when teachers wake up at how early inthe morning? Bleh. Moving on!

I thought about the things I like to do: Reading, writing, making lame vid's for youtube, going on forums, watching movies, blogging. Well, all that got me thinking. Filming.

Huh? Huh? Whadda ya think? (Honestly if you think it's stupid just tell me).

So, my cousin Todd is a film director (he's in the process of making a movie right now!) and I decided to e-mail him about my idea of heading in this direction for a career choice. I asked him things like what he ACTUALLY does (cuz I'm sure he doesn't just sit in a chair and boss people around) and the classes I might want to think of taking in High School and all that jazz. I'm waiting for his reply.

Now, I dunno EXACTLY what I wanna do in the art of filming. Script writer? Making those stupid little commercials on TV? I dunno. Whatever peeks my interest I guess.

Soooo, that's it for now.



Erin said...

OMG SHE IS A RELARTIONSHIP SLUT! omg that was the exact term i used!

Shawn said...

It's cliche, but being true to who you truly are inside is the best answer to your future.

Problem is, the world doesn't like such rebels, and will do everything to stop you.

The best of luck on those choices.

Nice blog here. I look forward to reading more soon!