Monday, September 8, 2008

Brains, Shouting, Peace, and High School

Recap of classes today:

Did a review worksheet for our big test tomorrow. It was easy so I'm sure I'll do fine. Had a sub so Mr. O'Brien wasn't there.

Today in class we learned how much brains a slut has. Rachel Borvika said that 1x1=2 and 49+1=53.


I guess the answer is not much.

Walked the track and then fought for the clipboard and wrote my name down in the last spot for the 100 yard sprint. I'm not lazy, that's just my strongest thing track-wise.

Forced food down my throat again and in turn, almost puked.

The test was way easier than the quizzes. I think I got an A. I asked my Spanish teacher: "?how do you say I love you in Spanish?" in Spanish and she was all like O.O woah, how do you know how to say that??

Pontose for me!

Always fun.

A pain perusual but I got to listen to my IPod.

Took a pop quiz of the weird passage thing we had to read. I only missed 2.

Practice was okay. Yet again fighting for a spot. Won. But not as much as I wanted to. Fucked up hole 8. Don't even want to tell you what I got on that hole.

Got home, mom yelled at me for only eating half of a piece of chicken and then we got into a stupid fight about my room. I went out in the backyard for 3 hours and fell asleep. Then my dad came out to check on me (which is a big surprise).

My mom went to get her meds and she bought me purple nail polish. I don't have the heart to tell her that though. So we're kinda made up now.


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