Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It

Heh, that's a really funny song now.

So, school was okay. History class was of course fun. In art my upside down drawing was good except for the dude's head I had to draw. It looked like a really crappy MySpace pic. XD I'm so putting that on my fridge when we get it back.

Didn't have golf practice today because of the rain. Well, it was optional, but I saw no point in it. Went home on the bus and got home around 2:30ish. It was so weird being home that early. =p

Hung out around the house. Dad and I went and got pizza, and then we headed out to pick up Zak and Devvy Chan to go to Ryan's bonfire. Together it was Devvy Chan, Zak, Peaches, Ryan, Myself, and Ryan's brothers 11 friends that were going to sleep over that night. I felt so bad for him mom.

Went swimming, and then we hung out around the fire. Talked about things, did some stupid stuff, then went up to Ryan's bedroom and did even stupider stuff. Then we watched Comedy Central and youtube videos.

Oh, and remember how I told you guys my dad thought I was popping pills? I didn't put it in a blog posties so here's a recap: I asked my dad if he did drugs in HS and he said no, he got fucked up in college cuz there was too much shit goin on in HS. Then the next morning I was eating tic-tacs and he accused me of popping pills.


Well today it gets even better.

On the phone before he got home he said this: "Now Ashley, I don't belive you will do drugs, but I don't believe in coincidences either, and I think at that party, somebody, preferably Ryan, is going to get high tonight."

Ryan I will apologize for my dad being such a dumbass.

Soooooo lets see...NOW my dad thinks I'm:

-Doing drugs
-Watching Porn
-Turing into a 'Gothic Bloodsucker'

*sniff* I'm so proud *sniff* he has so much trust in me! *wipes tears with hankie*

Last night was a blast though. It was nice I guess that Ryan and I are on terms somewhat, and I'm really glad Zak and him are friends again.


It was so a night that made me think "If HS is like this should be fucking CRAZY!"



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