Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Attack of the Tards, and the Chatty, Cheating, Whores

School was fine today. Learned I'm gonna miss a lab in physics and about 2 tests. Joy.

Today the tards took over our lunch table!! I mean, it's always full and the teachers just had them sit there so then everybody had no place to sit for lunch. Pissed me off.

Think I actually did well on the Spanish quiz I took today.

Golf was okay. We played against Solon. Now, let me tell you, this girl I played with, couldn't cheat to save her life.

Every hole she tried to cheat on and she cheated badly.

On the 4th hole:

"I got 4"
You got 4?
You sure?
"Um, yeah"
Well I had you at a 9
"I had a 4!"
Okay, so lets go over this....your first shot hit that tree, your second shot went into the rough, your third shot you were in the sand, fifth shot sand, sixth shot edge of the green, and then you 3 putted.
"Oooooh that's right. I forgot."


Solon won, but as the team was talking in the car we all said that the girls we were playing with tried to cheat. Also, they were rude. They would never stop talking, specially about guys, and they took pratice swings while we were hitting.


Oh, and of course coach is gonna tell us if we're playing tomorrow or not since he's SOOO organized.

Still in a pretty good mood though!

Sami found this hilarious picture. It's on her blog, check it ouuuuut!

Now, time for shower and then to bed!


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