Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Top Dog, Crayons, and Relationships

My gosh today I was so nervous I forgot how to spell my own name. Seriously. I was like..Ashl-.......l.....somthing.......

Geometry was boring kinda. Didn't finish my homework, but awe well, I still know how to do the crap.

PE I got picked in the top six people to play that quick football thing! Yay! I feel skilled!!

Lunch I got sick again. But tried to hold it back.

Spanish I got an A on my tests!!! Yippee! Gonna check the grade book right now...


Meh, physics teacher is a fricktard. On our lab that we brought home to do for homework it says missing. I'm sure he'll put the points up, but it brings my grade down to a freaking D!!!


History Sara Mayer was so retarded....I swear I just wanna slap some brains into her sometimes...The whole class was complaining about the small amount of notes we had to take. Lazy bums. They're gonna have a rude awakening when they get to college...

Art was fine.

English we listened to some stupid sermon, and she sprayed water on us, lite a candle, shot arrows, and brought a fake spider to peoples desk. I petted it, heh. Then...


I drew a fire, with a Lepercon looking pilgrim on a string being held by the 'hand of god'!

After class came the moment I was pretty much dreading. I saw Zak in the hall way and I said I needed to talk to him. Guys...

I broke up with him.

Now I'm not saying I hate him, and that he's stupid or anything like that. He's still a great guy, and I enjoyed the time we spent together, but our relationship was going further than I expected (although that's partially my fault) and there is so much crap going on in my life right now, he deserves a better girl that has time for him.

I feel guilty, he looked really down at his locker. I told him I was sorry and gave him a hug, then ran to get my golf clubs.

Golf was okay. Got my swing back. Shot a 52.

Ate Arbeys for dinner, talked to devvy chan, then went online and talked to ryan about golf. Next summer I challenge him and Andy to a match and Shawnee! =D

Heh, Gerber was texting me while I was talking to Ryan and he was like: So how was Arbeys? And I never told him I ate dinner there and when I asked him how he knew he said that he knew everything that goes on around me. XD

He's so cute ^-^ lol

I said that if he knew everything, then what type of thong was I wearing? (as suggested by Ryan) He said ha ha, and that he was really goin to a TI meeting.


In history class today we got bored and Mr. J went on youtube and we found a vid with Collin in it! Take a look:


I think it's hilarious.

That's all for now.

I hope Zak is okay.


1 comment:

Sethna said...

I couldn't resist. This tag cloud was begging me to read these.

I was unaware that this occurred so recently. I thought it was like back over the summer.

I don't remember when I broke up with Jenny, I'm pretty sure it was a few days before our 7 month which means February 14 + 7 months = Oh snap Also September 9,10,11,12

Perhaps it was written in the stars? She said the same thing to me about deserving a better girl... the only difference was I agreed with her. When I look back on it, there was a lot of unpleasantness due to idealogical differences between us.

But it does not do to dwell on the past as we've discussed. No problem remembering, I have no problem talking about it.

I respect and care about you very much.