Monday, September 29, 2008


So I was in a real good mood today. Like the whooooole day, it's amazing. =p

So started out today with an assembly in the auditorium. The video thing this year was about Fears. Now I must say, it had awesome music, but the rest of it was just depressing. I mean, the one with the girl that died in a car crash, or that guy in the band who's dad and brother committed suicide. And then it showed the people holding the box signs that said shit like "I cut myself" so Gerber was texting me like crazy going: Don't do that again, you know not to right?!


Physics class after that was wicked awesome. We made these straw things ya see, and the teach was calling them this weird name and I told him they should be called Strawmonica's. He was like "That's brilliant!" and I pointed to myself and said "Genius right here people!"

Andy was there, ask him for proof that a teacher said I was brilliant!

That'll probably be the only time. =p

Anyways, after that the teacher made this thing out of the straw that he called a duck caller and when you blew into it, it made a high pitched noise. I annoyed Jayne with it the whole time. I swear that girl needs to take a chill pill and get an attitude adjustment...

Geometry class Mr. Lawrence's voice got all high and squeaky again. =p

PE I gave Carols a hug! Oh, and I asked him if he was going to leave because he was an exchange student and if he did I would be said but he said "No, I stay in Amer-ee-ka"



Annoyed more people with my duck called thing. Then I asked Mike to ask Gerber if he had a crush on anyone and if he said yes, if it was me.

Maybe he's just a real good friend, ya know? With a little Ariel inside of him.


Lunch was cool. Talked to Peaches and Devvy Chan a lot. I came up with the fact that we should make a gang and when we're in ally ways use the duck caller thing! XD

I swear we should so do that.

Spanish was...a heart attack. I THOUGHT I had turned my IPod volume all the way down, but there is a difference between I THOUGHT and I DID. My IPod came on, full volume during the class. The people around me were like, dancing to the music. I was like "holy crap stop it you idiots!!" o.o

And we all know what Smith would have done, taken Melvin away! I can't live without him. Seriously.

So most of class I was preying for her to let us practice our words with our partners because it's really loud then. Well, she didn't. She did say "Quit everyone while we listen to this. IT SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY SILENT!"

I thought I was dead.

Then she turned her back to write something on the chalkboard and I snatched my bag up and opened it and when I did of course the sound wasn't muffled it got LOUDER. I pulled the earphones out and then threw it on the floor and put my head down. My face was all red and I was trying to hold back laughter (along with the people around me) and to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest. Smith gave me a funny look but said nothing.

For now on I'm unhooking my headphones from Melvin before I go to school...

History class was....holy crap.

First of all, I'd like to state that Sarah Mayor is definitely the dullest tool in the a shed of tools that are already dull to begin with. She's that thick headed.

We were talking about the elections and Sarah asked my Johansson who he was voting for and he said he was voting absentee.

You guys know what that is right?

Please tell me you have some idea.

Anyways, omg...I still can't believe how stupid she is...Sarah asked "Who's absentee? I didn't know a dude named that was running."


I laughed, I cried, I slammed my head on my desk.

Cameron asked if she was living in a house with lead paint. Which in turn, she didn't know what that meant either.

"No, the paint of my house isn't pencil."


I'm just gonna go outside and scream really really loud for a second.


She also was like "I have cramps! Oh they're really bad. Cramps suck! I got cramps!"

I told her that she doesn't need to inform the whole class when she's hormonal.

I wonder if she even knows what the word inform means...

Art was fun. Me and Tyler talked about Dane Cook. Tired to visit Devvy Chan but they were actually doing something.

English was boring. Devvy Chan raced in again. I swear she looked so white I thought she was sick. I TOLD her that she'd be excused if she came from PE but she said the teacher wouldn't send out an e-mail and stuff. So when I told Mrs. Newcomer I was leaving early for golf I told her to tell Devvy Chan that it's okay for her to be late.

It always looks like she's gonna faint when she rushes. I mean, I get paranoid about being late too, but if I know I won't be in trouble I don't rush and take my time and make sure I'm all together.

Left early out of English, walked the halls, got dressed and got my clubs for golf before we left for Glen Eagles. We didn't write out scores down, so I tried to remember mine, if I was right a shot a 48. =D

Came home, had Wendy's, explained to Peaches about how to get a blogger background template. Talked to Cyrus. And now I'm gonna try and get over Sarah's stupidity (because I really didn't know anyone could be so's actually quite unfathomable) and study for the test I need to take early tomorrow.

Woo Hoo!

One more thing:

If you had an idea of what it is, at least you didn't think it was a FREAKING PERSON. omg...


1 comment:

Jackie said...

She doesn't have any brain cells left cause she got high so many times. I hate sarah meyer too. She one of the dumbest. ever.