Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sooo, the reason why I didn't post yesterday was because in every class I had homework.

Recap of classes yesterday (man this postie might be looooong):

Er, ya know what....I'll just do this, put the class, and put what happened yesterday and THEN today! Mkays, shorten the posite a tad.

Yesterday- Did a rubber band experiment and committed a crime. I brought tic-tacs and a water bottle into that class. AGAINST OHIO LAW!! Yay, I'm on my way to be a criminal! =p

Today- Went over the metric system and how to convert stuff. I knew how to do it and it was soooooo boring. I think Mr. O'Brien dyed his hair today. It seems less grey and more brown. *shrugs*

Yesterday- Went over homework, did notes, got more homework.

Today- Went over homework, did notes, got more homework.

Ya know Mr. Lawrence is like Mrs. Ippy from Middle School except he's not monotone.

Yesterday- My right contact was bothering me, and then it fell out. Took me five minutes to put it back in (when I got home it turns out it was ripped in the middle) and then me and Alabert walked the track. I like walking the track, walking is like, what I do.

Today- Kicked the freshies asses in point break! Hellz to the yeah!


Only ate a chicken sandwich both days. Hopefully soon I'll be used to eating that early.

Yesterday- So there was this total cluster fuck in the hallway and it was jammed. Once it was moving I had 1 minute to get to my locker and Spanish class. So, in my rush I accidentally grabbed my English binder instead of Spanish... I signed out a past and got it, but Smith wouldn't except my homework that was in it and yelled at me for not being prepared....

Today- Got my Spanish quiz back. I got a D, hellz yeah! I was so depressed over the little fact that she wouldn't except my homework that I could have cared less about the test. I wonder what my grade in there is...

Yesterday- Of course I had fun! We went over a bunch of stuff. I still had fun though!

Today- I AM FREAKING HONORED MAN. LEMME TELL YOU WHY! Okay, so you know how's I'm a forum nerd and all. Well, I created a topic called: The How-Tos Of the EAF, and today he said he was gonna make it it's own section and I would be the moderator!!! He also upped my status!!! IS THAT AWESOME OR WHAT?! NO, IT'S EPIC!! O.O


Yesterday + Today- I got to listen to my IPod, enough said.

Yesterday- Had a test over the summer reading. It was okay, but some of the questions were stupid in a they-didn't-make-sense kinda way. Some of them were really hard and specific too, like, way to little details that you could have forgotten because they didn't matter.

Today- Took notes THE WHOLE TIME so my hand was cramping.

Yesterday we lost to Solan by one stroke!! Darmit. Meh, didn't play my best game yesterday and I got yelled at because apparently I was shaking from lack of food. Heh...whoops. Today we had practice, it was okay.

Got home, went on the forum- dur- IMed people, checked youtube and e-mails. Cleaned my room a bit, did homework. I'm gonna finish my Spanish during lunch. So I'll be late getting there I guess, unless I bring my Spanish with me. I'm sure I can.

Gonna check out the forum again, go on youtube and do random Internet crap until I need to take a quick shower and go to bed.

Meh, oh, ya know that smiley necklace I bought that I really like?? Weeeell, it has nickle in it, and I'm allergic to nickle (and I don't mean if you give me 5 cents I'll get a rash...). So now all around my neck and upper chest I have like, this really annoying rash from it. Meh. Mom put cream on it though, so it should get better soon.


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