Sunday, September 28, 2008


Yesterday I hung out on the computer for the most part. Went upstairs and read more of Breaking Dawn and then Ariel called. I didn't recognized her number....damn. Talked to her long enough that she won't call me again for awhile. Apparently she was home alone and was bored. I wish she had a boyfriend to bug....


I forgot to mention some things about PE yesterday!

In my PE class, Carlos ran from his side of the basket ball court, ran behind Zak (who was the pin guard) and kicked down the pin, and when Zak was all "That the fudge?!" Carlos kicked him in the shin and ran off.

He's my hero.

During Devvy Chan's PE class, I basically skipped art and hung in there for awhile before going back and working a bit more on my painting.

Had pizza last night. We went to this new place called Rocky's, it wasn't that good.

Got a new enV (same one just new) with a software upgrade for free. This guy named Bob helped me, he was nice. ^-^

Now my phone is all cool, but I have to re-download all the ring tones if I want to. So far I've only downloaded three. *shrugs*

Went on a website that taught me a lot about script writing. I'm so eager to start! I downloaded a script writing software too from Google. Getting an idea for a script too. So excited!


Talked with this girl that liked my lyrics video's on youtube. Her name is Leah, she's 14 (gonna turn 15 on the 1st) and I swear she is so like me. Like she said, it's almost like we met before or something. =p

Which reminds me, apparently there's a freshie that looks exactly like me in our school (or some people say). I propose a hunt to find this person!

Ooooh, watched one of our old movies called The Borrowers. I love that movie. Anyone ever heard of it?!

Well, off to do random computer stuff!

Maybeh hunt for a new blog template?



Sami! said...

the blog layout hunt is always painful.

mine was :|

I lol'd at the carlos thing


Jackie said...

I love your new layout! Where'd you find it? I don't think its in the blogger layouts..
I've seen the borrowers! I like it, but it's not my favorite. Still good though.