Thursday, September 11, 2008


I couldn't think of another title.

Yesterday I had a tests in Physics that was easy. Ran track with the fast people and got in 3rd. Heh, when Carlos ran he didn't stay in his lane. I guess nobody told him. =p

Sat next to Zak afterwards. He was sitting by himself and he looked really lonely. It was kinda uncomfortable but I wanted to show him that I don't want us to avoid each other. PE ended then hardly ate any lunch. Spanish was okay, Johansson's class was fun, and English was boring.

Golf game was good. We won by A LOT. That's just cuz we're so skilled.


Physics we took notes, Geometry we took notes, PE I sat in the bleachers with the guys (Stash, Ryan S, John, and Zak). Heh...John was yelling at Stash for trying to strangle him but Stash said "What, it was just a neck hug!"


I'm gonna use that defense in court. =p

Awhile after Zak at behind me then picked me up and held me in his lap like a baby (shut up) and was kinda like: "I should throw you over the bleachers." Squirrel (Ryan) asked what I did and Zak said "What didn't she do?"

Okay, I know he probably wouldn't have thrown me over the bleachers but that was kinda outta character for him, and it kinda scared me.

I also asked him if he wanted his jacket back but he said no and to keep it. I feel kinda guilty, he really liked it, but his mom won't let him wear it anyways so it's okay right?



Spanish we had a quiz. I think I did okay.

Heh, in History we got in this big debate about if the government helped plan out 9/11 and stuff. This kid named Cameron and Mr. Johansson got at it, it was funny. Then Mr. J put a topic for it online and guess who I found on the forum!! Tom!! =D

OMG in art today somebody made a clay penis and put it in one of the still life's! XD I took a pic of it on my celly.

English we read more poems. I'll study them a bit tomorrow. Devvy Chan you did a good job reading today! =D

No practice tomorrow! I'll feel so naked without my clubs on the bus! =p

Can't wait for the bonfire!


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