Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This Is A Creative Post Title.

So yestarday I had golf from 12-5 and all we did was hit balls for all that time straight. My had was killing me.


But in the end it was fun, I learn something at least that will really help my game. =D

After dinner Mom said that we were going to go to the gas station, drop off the rented movie, then pick up her prescription.

So I drive to Speedway and we go to get gas and the pump isn't working, so we go to the next one and then it says we have to see the cashier and I told him that pump 3 wasn't working and that the next one told me to see him.

He then told me that the credit card had no money on it.

Which is bullshit because it's a credit card and the credit limit on it is sky high. So then he comes out with us and looks at it and then asks if the tank was all the way filled. My Mom had told him that went she asked Dad to get gas while he was out walking the dog he yelled at her that there was no place to get gas.

Apparently there was and he filled up the tank.


I mean it's funny, but I just can't laugh at it because my Dad had been yelling at my Mother about how much of a dumb ass she was and how he couldn't.


Drove and dropped off the rented movie then picked up two new ones: The Uninvited and The Bucket List.

The Uninvited was good, I loved the twist at the end. =)

It wasn't really all that scary though, I mean, it did show dead peeps, but I've watched too many scary movies so it's easy to accurately predict when they will pop out.

JJ wanted me to sleep in his room, so I took the second bed by the window.

Everything was all fine and dandy until I started to have this weird ass dream. At first it was all la-de-da fine and dandy and then I don't remember how but everyone that I knew (friends, family, teachers, employees) were all suddenly on fire and screaming and withering in pain and begging for me to help them.

I woke up sweating and really hot and shaking and I had to go downstairs and sit outside for a bit and read a book.


It was scary. =(

Many people gave me huggles via interwebs though so that helped me feel better. =)

Today Grammy, Mom and I went and shopped for this old lady. When we took her food up to her room at the assistant living home on Valley View I wrote her a note for her to find when she came back, hoping that she would have a great day. =p

Grammy asked if I would ever like to do something like that and I said it seemed like it would be fun so I picked up an application for the Elm Croft Assisted Living right down the road from me. =)

Old people FTW.



Jackie said...


N said...

Old people rock! Glad you had a good time. :)

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Anonymous said...
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