Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pro-Pot Courage

I now have complete respect for this kid.

He's got balls man.


Valley Voyages was fun today. =)

Woke up around 8, got dressed, made some soup for breakfast. =p

Mom sat out in the garage with me while I waited for Cyrus to come. She looked really tired from last night, she was really, really sick but didn't want to go to the ER. She's too afraid to go because last time they nicked her nerve with an IV and that's why her arm is how it is.


Dad and I got in someone of a religious fight last night while we were watching TV.

We were talking about Mom and how sick she was and he said "Maybe God will let her live another day."

And I told him that if there was a god she wouldn't be sick, or he would have killed her and put her out of her misery long ago.

He currently isn't talking to me with the exception of golf league information.

But I don't really have any complaints, he'll be over it by Friday.

Rained pretty much all day today, but that didn't stop the little 4th graders.

My station was to bring a group to the bridge over the Cuyahoga River and then we'd measure the water temperature.

Sadly it was not by throwing a kid in, which would have been how I'd done it. Instead, the kids lowered a bucket over the bridge and got the water then brought it back up. Then when everyone had their info in their booklets and I told them things and asked them questions they all fought to dump it back in.

Cyrus and Jeff went and harassed a kid wearing a shirt that said "Got a sister?" on it.

Cyrus: Excuse me sir, but what doesn't this shirt mean?
Jeff: Yeah, are you curious if people have siblings?
Kid: *shakes head*
Random 4th grade girls: it's for a date!
Cyrus: You mean with a girl?! You don't want cooties!
Kid: I'm not afraid of them! ....What are they?...
Cyrus: They're little parasites that suck out your money!


Then Jeff said that premarital sex or whatever could get you AIDS and the kids one friend in my group was all like "Ha ha, Johnny has cooties and AIDs!"

Some people just never grow up. =p

Cyrus dropped me off at the house.

I cleaned my room and laid down on the couch with the TV on to try and fall asleep since I've been up for two days straight.

Just can't seem to sleep though and I'm too tired to really think so it's a lose lose situation.

Took a longer shower than I really needed to and then watched some more CSI.

Depending on the weather I'm going to try and get a full nights sleep tonight.



Unknown said...

It was raining here today too... and I live in California, and it's JUNE!

I was mad.

Valley Voyages sounded fun!

Sethna said...

Wait wait, hold the phone. Are you saying that I haven't grown up? Huh?!

Or are you talking about the 4th grader? :D

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