Tuesday, July 28, 2009

3 Long Days


Woke up early and was picked up by Denise (one of my Dad's customers) to go volunteer for the Richfield Sweet Corn Ride. We got there around 8 and helped set up the two picnic tables filled with boxes of cookies (Peanut butter, sugar, chocolate chip, and gingerbread almond), health bars, rice krispie treats and bananas.

After that all we had to do was wait. Jim (the main guy who was running our food station) was pretty busy throughout the morning maki
ng sure everything was perfect. His brother Brian was really funny and always making wise cracks. =p

Van was the oldest helper there and brought the huge tanks of water. He was funny like Brian too. =)

Before the bikers showed up Donna and Dianna then came.

Best part?

They were twins.

So awesome. =p

For the duration of the time everyone made sure the bikers were fed and make wise cracks to each other. =p

Everyone thought it was extremely funny when I said "I wonder if I yelled "It's raining!" how many people would look up..." Personally I didn't think it was that funny but hey. =p

In the middle of the food giving we got a bunch of crates of these really big green grapes which apparently were extremely tasty because the bikers would eat one, shove their face, then proceed to grab more and tell us how awesome they were.

When we were cleaning up I made a bunch of funny comments (e.g. telling Brian that his side of the table was too low to the ground while we were moving it back under the pavilion =p) and Jim asked if I wanted to be a comedian when I grew up because comedy seemed to come so naturally to me. =)

I do love comedy. =D

Mitch Hedberg and Robin Williams = comedy love. <3 href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWCAf-xLV2k">Silence of the Lambs. =)


Woke up early for my golf tournament. Was very nervous so Dad watched me hit some golf balls to help loosen me up and stayed before I teed off. This one girl and I were neck and neck
the whole first 9. I beat her by one stroke. =D

The back 9 I fucked up a bit on though, which cost me. Either way, I shot a 98 and grabbed 2nd place! =D

Came home and fell asleep for a few hours and watched CSI with Mommy while I iced my left arm because it was hurting so badly.

Tuesday (Today)

Got up and went with Dad in his car to the hospital because JJ was getting surgery today.

Don't worry it was nothing too major, just foot surgery. Because of his flat feet and the way he walks the heel in his foot is completely turned and his ankle is also turning. What they did was go in and stretch the tendons out in his leg and then correct the bone and everything.

Before he was going into surgery I went with him to get his IV in and then Mommy went into the OR room until he fell asleep.

Grammy, Uncle Scott also came to wish him well.

While he was in surgery Dad and I went
to Golf Galaxy down the street and I tried out some new golf clubs (which fucked up my left arm even more) and in the end got to take a driver home to hit a few times.

Went home to let the pets out, and picked up some food for JJ and Mom before we headed back to the hospital. JJ had just gotten out of surgery a half hour after we arrived and they were trying to control his pain levels.

I gave him one of my Hello Kitty band aids. I think it helped. =)

When we got up to his room I wrote a message on the while board for him to read when he missed me. Then Dad and I looked up at the big light that had a Hightlights Hidden Pictures thing on it and found everything but the little bell.

JJ helped me find it though. =D

We ate our subs and talked to the nice nurses. Jj even asked if she wanted a chip! It was so funny and nice. =) He would always say thank you whenever they would give him pain meds too. =p

When Dad and I left (Mommy is staying over night) I gave him an extra band aid just in case he needed it.

Dad and I talked out on the deck for awhile and now I'm here.

Probably going clean my room and organize the guest room a bit to keep myself occupied.

Also probably going to not blog for awhile because my arms hurt a ton now. =(



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on 2nd place!