Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So I remembered I had a blog today! (and i didn't even put up a sticky note next to my laptop saying: YOU HAVE A BLOG, USE IT). =)

Nothing really interesting happened to me today. We had the OGT practice test, for writing which was a breeze for me. I actually ate almost all of my lunch today- I've noticed since the beginning of the month that I have been eating less. Also I didn't take a nap today! I read that too much sleep can make you tired- yeah that confuses me too. So instead of coming home and taking a 3-4 hour nap I watched Star Trek and CSI.

Mkays it seems like a lot of my friends are really depressed lately and that gets me sad. For one reason, it's hard for me to be sad since I don't like it and two I'm the type of person that works hard to make people happy. Two, I have no clue what to say. I wanna say something but I just don't know what. So that's why i tried to avoid getting online today. But I'll get on after this- I need my friends.

Oh yeah and I've been looking at my blog and it's pretty...boring...not as coolieo's as Rayy's. I mean hers is awesome. Dev yours is awesome too- but Rayy's is better, NOT TO PUT YOU DOWN OR ANYTHING!!

Well that's all I have to really say today. I luv comments by the way! =D


1 comment:

rachel said...

you think my blog's "awesome?" seriously? that's so sweet =]. seriously, i could find better though.

i can see what you mean about the table getting a tad bit sadder now-a-days i don't want ot blame ryan, but you caught me,yes i do want to blame him. it's like vibes someone is giving off. it's really hard to ask what's wrong too becasue you dunn if that'll affend them or soemthign of the sort. *sigh*
