Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Was Pondering...

This may come to be a touchy subject for you, or this may even well surprise you.


I've been meaning to get opinions from all of you (even the close friends I see at school everyday) in the comments section regarding this.


What if you needed a license to be a parent?

Does that sound wrong? Would you fight against it? Or would you agree?

Pretty please comment, don't come to me. Put it in writing.



Jackie said...

I can see both sides of this.

I can agree because of my own experiences with parents and all that, but then, there's another side to it too.
Yes, some people are completely unfit to be parents. And yes, some people really need to take a test, fail, and not be able to parent a child. But then is it really ethical to control that?
I don't know. I want to say yes, but then I also want to say no. But it would certainly limit the population.

Jackie said...

Also, if there were such a test, many of amazing people wouldn't exist. It's true that it's hard to deal with unfit parents, but if they hadn't made us, we wouldn't be here.
So I guess I would have to say no. Because sometimes the people with the worst pasts are the best people.

Zhanna said...

i agree with Jackie. But think of how many people hurt their child because they dont know what they are doing.

Unknown said...

this is a tough one.

i would say yes,
but i think we all have something to learn from different people,
especially from our parents.
And, i personally believe that there is a reason for everything,
so there is a reason for the set of parents that you are given.

so no.... final answer.