Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Physics Day!

It was fun =)

Didn't carry anything accept a pencil, calculator, my celly and Melvin.

Sat on the floor in the lunch room while waiting for the Auditorium doors to open. Cyrus came over and I asked if he could baby sit Melvin for me for the day and then take him home.

I appreciated it, but I slightly regret it, because I was very board on the bus ride. At least he wouldn't have been stolen...

For those who forget Melvin is my IPod.


First ride we went on was the Wicked Twister, for my first adrenalin rush in a while it felt pretty good. =)

Went on the Matterhorn next, since it was required on the packet. It sucked. Very boring and short. =/

Spent waaaay too much time doing our packets... Ryan, Halle and I had our info done but everyone else didn't...

After snacking on some fries and toasting in the sun Halle and I went on the Mantis. I think it was my favorite ride there. =)

I wished we could have gone on more rides...but we wasted too much time on packets...


As Andy was trying to get to the Maverick I saw a Chick-fil-A, which I'd been having a huge craving for since last Monday, so I was in heaven. =p

Tried to win a giant stuffed gorilla. It was bigger than me! I swear!

I didn't win it though... =(

Got to the buses around 5:05ish.

45 minutes later we finally left thanks to a group of three girls that decided it was okay to dawdle and lose track of time...

Bus ride home was better than on the way back though. Did silly stuff to ease the boredom.

Have to get an EMG tomorrow, kinda scared, my Mommy is taking me so she'll be there which is good at least.

Legs ache, time for bed.

How cool would it be to live in an amusement park (and not have to pay for anything)?




Sethna said...

So Dad's laptop was conveniently placed on the island in the kitchen and I couldn't resist the temptation to read about this "physics day" malarkey.

You were mad about the packets, eh? Well let me tell you something young lady, if it wasn't for those packets you wouldn't be going! :P

You should have talked to me beforehand, I would have told you that the way to do it (essentially what I did) was have your group split up and go on different rides then share data and make the smart kid (Billy and Tom and Ben) do the calculations and then copy those too.

Packets = Problem?
Problem = solved.

Now you know what to do if you decide to take AP physics next year. Mrs. McMichael is actually letting them go... Mr. Nebel didin't let the AP kids go. Poo.

Anyhow, I'm glad that you had a good day. You missed my amusing antics today though.

I really need to get around to blogging.

Anonymous said...

you learned how to spell my name finally