Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cleaning Youtube

If there's one thing that I wish Youtube/Google would do is get rid of the people (mostly children 14 and under) who either:

A. Get accounts to just bash videos

B. Get accounts just to spam

C. Make weird random comments ranging from "I want to rape you", "I just fucked your mom", or "Too bad I didn't cum"

D. Post up the chain comments demanding that you copy and paste them to 10 million other videos in the next 10 seconds or some demon alien clown will come into your room at night and slit your throat

E. rite comnts lkei dis

F. rite comnts lkei dis wile tryin 2 inult ppl.

G. Try to use Youtube/Google as a type of myspace or face book

H. Who beg for you to subscribe to them and when you don't try to send you hate mail telling you to kill yourself

I'm subscribed to a lot of people in the Youtube community, and I love watching the videos the website and users have to offer, but I'm tired of the lower class part of the community, and I'm sure others are too.

Let's stop trying to remove copyrighted videos and focus more on removing it's abusing, childish users instead, eh?

1 comment:

Sethna said...

I really dislike haters and trollers.

All though I'm guilty of the latter for kicks every now and then, it's not all that I do.