Saturday, November 26, 2011

T-Giving Break

Hmmm...recap....lets see...


Was a total fucking waste of gas and time. Thanks University of Akron. I could have made how much money at work that day and instead I sat through 1 math class (which I did need to go to) then spent the rest of the day in 2 5 second classes and sitting on my ass in the library for hours (where a creepy guy kept winking at me continuously) only for 5 extra credit points.

Fuck you.


Was better.

Slept in and spent most of the day watching Bones and helping my Mom around the kitchen a bit. I already set the table the night before (beautifully if I do say so myself), and Jj was at Scott's making a 2nd Turkey.

Family came over around 4:30. Mom, Scott, and I all had a Cranberry Lime Smirnoff (my favorite out of them) and at like little piggies. The turkey was good and very juicy. Grandma stayed late to play Scrabble with Jj and myself and Michael drove over and joined us towards the end of the game.

He and I then 'watched' Due Date and snuggled then he left.


Went black Friday shopping with Dev! We hit Wal Mart (shitty deals), Dots (awesome bras for $6.50), Rue 21 (amazing deals; guys hoodies for $7, shirts and skirts for $3-$9, nice panties for $1 and belts for only $2!) and Kohls (where I got my Mom kitchen seat cushions for her Christmas present and realized that I either spent/lost my $25 Kohls gift I had to pay the $38 for them...AND THEY WERE ON SALE. WTF?!).

Got her a belt with an owl on it for her birthday.

Dev and I also went to Steak and Shake and enjoyed some chicken fingers and fries and talked about life. =)

Went over to Michael's around 11PM and we watched Jackass 2 on TV and he made me some effing amazing pancakes.


Mom's birthday today (she's 54, shhhhhhh!). It's already chaos.

Scott came over to give Mom her present he got for her and also to bring news to Jj and after he told him NO he CANNOT play games on his computer Jj did actually play games on his computer. Turns out, the games required you to pay to play them and despite the fact jj had cards with money on them he accidentally hit some button that charged my Uncle's credit card. $75+ and 4 hours at the bank later, he was here.

He has to change all his credit card numbers, his debit card number, everything because the last time he stole money off of my mom's credit card to pay for one of his games and shit someone else got the number too and we had to suffer through 3 years of identity fraud.

Jj is in deep shit.

Dad got Mom a laptop for her birthday (which I think is a waste of money, she doesn't know shit about computers...except how to screw them up) and a wireless printer for the whole house. I'm going to get the old printer when I move out (hopefully in a year or two...).

Now we're just waiting for her to get into the 'present chair' for her to open them.

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