Monday, November 16, 2009

The Goods, Hair Cuts, and Puzzling Grammy's!

Friday Ryan drove Jackie and me over to my house and we chilled there for about 2 hours wondering what to do for food. In the end we went to Reddis Pizza and ordered hot wings, cheesy bread and a large pizza.

And lemme tell ya, those hot wings? HOT.

Met up with Andeth at Network video where we spent probably at least another hour looking for a movie to watch (I think that's how long it takes us on average... =x) and Andeth and I finally decided we were gonna get The Goods. Live Hard. Sell Hard. Which, was hilarious. =p

Saturday Mom took me to get my hair re-highlighted and styled. It turned out great! =D

Then we went to Mom's Diner next door and I got a bacon and cheese hamburger. I love diners. =)

Hung around my house for a bit when Jackie texted me asking if I wanted to do anything. I told her I would pick her up and we could go get another movie or something. We ended up picking out Dead Silence and heading over to my Grammy's house to show her my hair.

As soon as we got there she was asking Jackie what she wanted to eat and in the end she made her some of her special soup and some chili! I noticed the puzzle she was working on and brought it to the table where we all started working on it.

By the time we looked up at the clock we realized it was going to be too late to start the movie. So, we decided to sleep over! =D

Went and picked up Jackie's things and mine and headed back to her house. We started working on the puzzle again and around 2:00 we started the movie (and yes, that's 2AM). Jackie and I huddled together in the chair under the blanket. =p

After the movie was done Grammy went to bed and we watched Dane Cook until about 4:30 when we went to bed.

I woke up around 11:30 and decided I wanted to make pancakes!

I made some Micky Mouse shaped ones too! =D

Worked some more on the puzzle and then Jackie and I fell asleep on the couch in her green room. My Aunt Lib came over next and then Grammy, Jackie and I got the piano started and we sang songs while it played the music rolls. =)

Did some homework at my house, ate dinner and then dessert! Jj made us laugh hysterically being a goof ball and then I took Jackie home.

Today I got many compliments on my hair and jeans. =D

Tonight, I'll be working on things for my Marco. Polo. Die. script. I'm excited I've started working on it again.


1 comment:

Jackie said...

This weekend was so much fun. =)