Monday, August 24, 2009

Holy Milk and Cows

I have not blogged in what has felt like years.

I haven't even kept myself updated on other blogs!

Yes I know, shame on me.

So what's been up...

Golfing almost everyday. Our team is doing well though, better than what many expected.

School is coming in like, Wednesday.

I've been struggling to finish all my homework that they've given us on our summer "vacation."

Sunday I took a break and went over to Jackie's house to hang with her, Ryan and Andeth. We climbed on her roof (at least Ryan and I did) and then went to Wendy's to get some yummies! =D

When I got home I realized that I left my Spanish homework in Ryan's car and today I went and got it as his house on my way to the Valley Voyages meeting with Rayy. Since we were early I brought the homework inside to work on a tad. After the meeting we dropped Rayy off and Mommy and I went to Marcs to go shopping.

And this is when the story of the day happened.

So my Mom carries in a bunch of magazines she brought out of the car as I go in the back to get my purse and clipboard (which my Spanish homework is on).

But guess what?

No clipboard.

I started crying and beating myself up over leaving it at school (because hey, where the hell else would it be?). Mom comes back into the gagrage and starts to freak out and I proceeded to tell her that I was a dumb ass because I keep leaving my clipboard all over god's green acher.

To try and cheer me up she says we can go back and get it so I drive all the way back to the school with her and go inside and ask Mr. J if he saw a clipboard. And you know what he tells me?

"You left with a clipboard."

So I go back to the car and tell my Mom that he says I left with my clipboard and she goes "Wait, clipboard? I thought you said your Spanish notes! I brought your clipboard inside for you."


So my Spanish notes on my CLIPBOARD was sitting on the kitchen counter the whole time.

I believe the lesson in this is: comminucation, comminication, comminucatoin.

At least I didn't forget them again so I felt better. =p

Almost finished with my summer reading stuff and then if I'm up to it I'll finish my Spanish.

Golf practice tomorrow amoungst many other things. set my alarm clock for school.


I feel weird just typing that....

Also, if you want I'm rewriting the rules of the contest. As in, there are no rules. Just make one sentence with all the words (including your own) in the comments section.

Great thanks for N and all her effort. =)



Unknown said...

I cannot believe I have not yet done that... off to go do it now!

Ah, school, I cannot believe that we have to go back... it seems like just yesterday summer began.

N said...

Glad you found your clipboard! :) Good luck with school starting! Excited to be a... shoot, junior?