Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Little Epiphany

Have I ever mentioned that 'epiphany' is one of my favorite words?

I digress.

So I'm taking history notes right now and I've been thinking about the Cold War and such and I had a little epiphany.

So, during the cold war, the Communist countries were in East Europe while the anti-communist countries were in West Europe.

Now, think of sunrises and sunsets.

Now, combine the Cold War and the separation of Europe by different government systems with the sunrises and sunsets.

Communism was somewhat of a new idea, in the sense that it was being exposed to other countries and quickly growing due to it.

So, Communism was like a new beginning in a way (to some).

Like a sunrise is a new beginning to a new day.

Sunrises also happen in the EAST.

Then, at the end of the Cold War, the anti-communist countries were the victors.

So, sunset, end of the day...which happens in the WEST.

Yeah, my mind strays way too much while taking notes...or doing anything really.

That's me I guess. =p

Maybe I'll write a poem on this...I can already feel my juices flowin'...


Notes first though...



Sethna said...

That's actually quite creative. I like it!

Andreas Johansson said...

... and now we have learned something! :-) EXCELLENT!

Andy said...

I still think we should re-create the Cuban Missile Crisis with our bitchin' rocket.

N said...

Hello there! I like your blog so I nominated you for a Splash award! Details here: http://mybubblesofnothing.blogspot.com/2009/04/my-dear-friend-maggie-nominated-me-for.html