Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Life Is All About Taking Risks

And since a lot of people don't like to take unnecessary ones, I'll do it and risk my hand. Hey, it's in a brace, it'll be fine for awhile.

Spring break was eventful until yesterday. Then it got very boring.

Yesterday mom and I watched The Others together. I liked it, very good twist at the end.

It also got my interest in the paranormal up and running again. Although, I think it's more of my depressing interest in death though. I sense and see some type of beauty in it.

I saw this thing on Antiques Road Show the other day and this woman brought in her collection of English Memorial Jewelery. It really interested me. I found the link on Google, but am disappointed that there aren't any close up shots on the jewelery like there were on TV. =/

I tried to find it on youtube but no luck. =/

I like to consider myself as a happy emo. =p

Worked a tad on my VV project yesterday, looked for pictures and put them on the map. Will probably work on that a bit more today.

Really wish I could take the car and drive around for a bit today. It's raining, cold, and my mom is too sick to get out of bed so it's not like she'd noticed, and not to sound all high and mighty but I think I'm a good enough driver to not be pulled over except for the fact that I look young and shouldn't be driving on my own.


Maybe I'll drive up to Network Video and rent another movie.



Unknown said...

Glad to see you're feeling at least a little bit better!

Sethna said...

*hugs* I feel bad about leaving you for half of the break...

I really enjoyed seeing you today!