Saturday, February 16, 2008

Winter Formal Rant

So our big Winter Formal Dance is tonight at our high school. At this point I don't really want to go. It all started when some of my friends and I wanted to do something after the dance. Once again my friend Ryan brings up the idea of a coed sleepover. All of us say no since I mean come on our parents wouldn't let us. In turn he got pissed that we wouldn't ask them and said we needed to grow some back bone and stand up for ourselves. Personally I think he needs to come back to reality, my mom- let alone my DAD- would never let me have one or got to one in the history of history. Ryan said he knows DOZENS of girl’s parents who would let them- I’d like him to name them.
Anyways after yelling at all of us he left the chatroom to go and- what else- play his video games. We thought he was just having an off day and decided to let him steam off. During that time my one friend and I were talking about how our whole group hasn't gotten together in a long time and we got this idea that we should all hang out Monday since we're off school. so I invite everyone back into the chatroom and tell them the idea and Ryan in turn keeps on being negative and basically calls me a stupid, spineless, ass and not only that after hurting my feelings he doesn't give me an apology. Nice friend huh?

I guess I shouldn't let him ruin my fun, either way I don't need to talk to him at the dance I have all my other friends, but I still have that down feeling inside. Am I over reacting? Well this isn't the first time he's done something like this and I think i'm allowed to get tired of it.

Well this was my rant- feel a bit better now actually. Comments are welcome! =)

1 comment:

rachel said...

ryan's just so... ugh. he's all vrazy now. but i odnt quie know becasue i'm frankly too scared to actually talk to him.

you're not spineless, ash. trust me. also, the "group" has broken. there's always someone mad at someone else, adn no offense to him but ryan's the center of it all. well kinda of.

it feels like he's taking all the pressure of his dad getting better and he's pushing it to us in some form or another. something like that? i dont know i can't quite think.

luv rayy