Monday, April 9, 2012


Yes. When you decided to get a tattoo I started becoming more adamant about the idea of me getting one.

No. I didn't just decide to get one when you decided to get one.

As a matter of fact mine DOES have a lot of meaning. It's just not spelled out like yours.

MAYBE other than me simply loving the moon and feeling that it describes me it used to be my muse and give me hope all those years ago when I used to slit my wrists.

MAYBE whenever I look at the moon it takes me back to the memories of that time in my life and reminds me to keep strong.

MAYBE it takes me back to those memories as a kid when I depended on the moon light to fight the monsters away and reminds me of a time of innocence in my life.

Where I was sad because I didn't get McDonalds or worried about not missing my morning cartoons. Not sad because I have to watch my mother get sicker and weaker in life and worried about my little brother and his feet and the piling medical bills and our tight budget and how my Dad is getting older and my future and making a living.

My tattoo is simple because it takes me back to a time that was simple. My tattoo will be black and not blue or white or any other solid color because it also takes me back to a dark time in my life.

My tattoo is the moon because it gives me strength and I feel I am the moon. Sometimes I'm growing and getting full while others I'm breaking down. What matters is that I keep going and shining the light that's given to me.

That sounds super lame.

Rawr. You've never been a poop head like this. So I'll forgive you.

Doesn't mean I can't be a little angry though.

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