Sunday, December 4, 2011


Time to blog.

Week has been very busy. Had a math test on Wednesday, then my Ethics exam Friday and work/baby sitting between that.

Currently my math grade is a C. I need a C- to pass. If I get 102/200 on my exam I can still pass with a C-.

I hate these make/break your grade tests. XP

Finished with a B in psych. Probably could have had an A+ if I tried harder.

Speech exam this Friday too (yes, I know, who the eff has an actual test in a SPEECH class?!).

Friday I did 100 math problems from the final exam packet and then went over to Mikey's to hang out. I was feeling pretty depressed cuz I got a D+ on that test I took on Wednesday...meh.

Did some more math problems Sat. then went to my Aunt Debbie's funeral. He 'soul mate' had passed. He had stones disease (when your organs get all hard...pretty sure that's what ya call it). The day before he died (which they knew it was his last day) he had a priest give him his final rights and then got all his $ in order as well as his funeral and then just asked Debbie to lay with him and he died in her arms around 2:30AM. I think it's a bit of a beautiful tragedy if you ask me.

Dad walked in on Michael and me last night...we weren't doing it yet, and even though he knows we do it it's still a fucking mood kill.

I'm planning on having the family watch Limitless on Netflix for our next family movie night. It's a good one. =)

Today I had lunch with my two Aunt's (Dad's sisters) and then Dad took me to the cemetery where I gave my Grandma and Grandpa their letters.

1 comment:

rachel said...

I am fully confident that you can get at least half the math exam right =] I'm stressing out over exams. I guess I should do something about it. I miss study guides...