Sunday, October 11, 2009


Those horror movies you'd watch or still watch?

Like Scream, Halloween or Prom Night?

Do you think anybody would ever do something like that?

Just decide to kill someone for no real reason I mean.

Yeah, I wish it could never happen either.

I don't know whether it's because I was already stressed and upset from my week or if it had nothing to do with anything entirely but this story I saw on Nancy Grace disturbed me so much I almost puked.

I couldn't find the video but I did find the transcripts...:

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news in the shocking Boy Scout murder. Investigators say there could be additional arrests in the case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The participants intended to kill the occupants of the home, if anyone was present.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Four teens currently arrested in the machete hacking death of 42-year-old nurse Kimberly Cates. Kimberly Cates died of multiple stab wounds to her head, torso, arm and leg -- her 11-year-old daughter surviving, now recovering at a Boston children`s hospital.

Investigators gearing up -- multiple search warrants executed, dozens of people interviewed, as authorities search for motive and possibly additional suspects.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Christopher Gribble (ph) is charged with the most heinous crime -- murder in the first degree.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Prosecutors say Christopher Gribble was armed with a knife and Stephen Spader had a machete. Authorities say William Marks and Quinn Glover were also armed when they entered 4 Trow Road in Mount Vernon. Kimberly Cates and her 11-year-old daughter were sleeping inside.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They targeted this home, essentially ran (INAUDIBLE), because it was on an isolated road.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Gribble and Spader face three charges that include first degree murder. Prosecutors say both suspects hit Kate and her daughter with their weapons. Kimberly Cates allegedly died in her bed, while the 11-year-old suffered serious injuries.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She remains in the intensive care unit. It doesn`t appear that her -- her injuries are life-threatening. But that isn`t, by any means, to minimize the severity of the attack.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A sixth grade girl is brutalized.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The participants intended to kill the occupants of the home if anyone was present.


GRACE: Straight out to Joe Dwinell with the "Boston Herald." Joe, I`ve just heard the disturbing news that the little 11-year-old girl`s toes were hacked off.

JOE DWINELL, REPORTER/EDITOR, "THE BOSTON HERALD": Exactly. Sources tell "The Herald" that the girl`s toes were chopped off in this heinous attack. She`s now recovering in the Children`s Hospital in Boston and they discovered her toes at the crime scene.

GRACE: To Dr. Lee Vinocur with the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dr. Vinocur, is there any way -- I know of other body parts -- hands, legs, fingers that have -- and more -- that have been reattached?

Is that a possibility here?

VINOCUR: Well, I mean, it depends on the amount of time and when they found the toes and if they transported them and they didn`t have a long ischemic time. But certainly, with fingers, which are more useful, it depends on which toe. A big toe, they will spend the time to transplant because it helps with balance. But sometimes a baby toe, to go through all that surgery, they might not do that.

GRACE: Why did you say ischemic?

What is that?

VINOCUR: Ischemia means how long the toes were off before they could put them on ice and get the blood vessels to contract so that the tissue doesn`t start to die.


VINOCUR: So you want to get the, you know, the part brought to the hospital.

GRACE: As fast as you can.

To the lawyers, Susan Moss, Mickey Sherman, Anne Bremner. You know, Mickey Sherman, that was to torture that little girl. That was to torture her. Now, you can`t tell me anybody is caught up in the heat of passion, they`re all in a pack mentality and then I find out the little 11-year-old girl has her toes chopped off with a machete. I can hardly form the words, Sherman.

SHERMAN: I didn`t do it. The problem is it`s indefensible. It is absolutely indefensible. I mean, you know, this is why people embrace the death penalty. And, you know, we saw because of the fallibility of the criminal justice system and The Innocence Project results, we say we`ve got to get rid of the death penalty.

And then comes one of these cases, which I call the end of the end of the death penalty, because we all want to say, let`s kill these guys and then we`ll get -- get rid of the death penalty.

GRACE: We are showing you photos. Take a look at this, Mickey, Anne, Susan. These are some of the guys that are now being held on murder and attempted murder on an 11-year-old little girl, murder of the mother. Here are the photos of the suspects from Facebook.

Now, I especially want to show, Rosie, the shot of one of them holding a knife.

Could you please get that one for me?

There you go. And I believe there`s one more holding a knife. There you go.

Now, how would you like to bring that home to dinner, Dr. Lillian Glass?

DR. LILLIAN GLASS: Horrible. It`s -- it`s just egregious. And it shows there`s a lot of sadism. You can see it in their faces. It`s -- it`s repulsive. It sounds like a ritual type of behavior.

GRACE: Out to Clark Goldband, our producer on the story.

What more can you tell me?

CLARK GOLDBAND, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: We are standing by, Nancy, for breaking news. Authorities not ruling out additional arrests. We know four suspects already there in custody, but authorities on the ground questioning more witnesses and seeking more answers.

Also, Nancy, as you talked about, that 11-year-old girl had her toes removed and unfortunately...

GRACE: Don`t say removed. Don`t say removed. That`s not what happened.

GOLDBAND: It was...

GRACE: They hacked her toes, a little girl`s toes -- what is that, the fourth of fifth grade -- off with a machete, Clark. They didn`t remove them. Don`t -- don`t sugar coat what has happened to this family.

The father is out of town working to make a living. He leaves for one night. That night, his wife is murdered asleep in her own bed and his daughter is nearly hacked to death. And now, Boy Scouts and a Mormon missionary being held on murder charges.

What can you tell me about these alleged perpetrators, Joe?

Joe joining us from "The Boston Herald."

DWINELL: I can tell you a lot. Christopher Gribble -- that`s the one with the knife. He was supposedly going to go on a Mormon mission. But he also spoke about how the commandment of thou shalt not kill was -- was -- he was having trouble getting over that.

Facebook friends tell us that Christopher was just racked with hate, anger, rage. And this is also true of Stephen Spader. He, too, was dark. He had turned from a kid who was into, you know, theater, to someone who is just full of hate.

They went, in the early morning hours of Sunday, and just hacked this -- allegedly hacked this family apart.

GRACE: I`m just -- I`m just sick. I`m sick at heart. This child holding onto her life at the hospital. The father -- no more wife, no more mommy. And I`ve got to tell you, trying to raise two children, it takes two.



Jackie said...


There are some sick, twisted people in the world.

Andy said...

This is why I tend to be for the death penalty.
This is fucking sick :/