Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day Off

Last week I worked all week last week 8-4:30 (except on the 4th of course) and I also worked yesterday.

Now I'm sitting around the house and it's actually stressing me out.

I'm almost like a danger to myself when I'm left to sit around and just think.

I'm scared about college. I don't even think I want to go to college. Really the only reason I think I am is because it seems that without college you go no where in life, and the fact that if you don't you're either labeled an an idiot or unmotivated.

I just can't see the point in college.

It's way too expensive and even to get a degree in something you want to do you still need to take classes that have nothing to do with the future career you want. I only see college as a business, not some form of educational help and let me tell you I haven't seen any products of interest to me.

Out of all the college e-mails I've gotten I've only actually looked at one.

Maybe I'm just afraid of college because I don't know what I want to do for a career in the first place?

I know for one thing I don't want to go to college until I know what I want to do. That's a waste of money we don't have.

I'm just hoping I'll figure out what it is I want to do before the school year is up. =/

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm have no idea what i want to be when i "grow up" (yes, i still say that...) and i get so freaked out when i think about college!

i think the answers will come in due time! (: